Beginner’s Guide - Some Useful Military Officers


[This walkthrough is submitted by player. The views and opinions expressed here doesn't represent the official.]

I. Recommended 5-Star Officers

※ Shu Officers

1. Liu Bei

Liu Bei is a very strong healer with moderate attributes. His healing output is so high that you can pretty much put him in any team and he can work as a powerful support.

2. Zhao Yun

Zhao Yun has outstanding attributes and nice Troop Qualities with all four Troop Types. He is immune to Control effects. Whether you give him a Control Tactic or a damage dealing Tactic, he will act as a powerhouse on the battlefield. Even Tactics that have negative effects such as the Symbol of Peace won’t do any harm to Zhao Yun, making it an Officer that works well with almost everything.

3. Zhang Fei

His Innate Tactic “Roar of Yan” deals consistent damage, making him a powerful Officer in the game. He also has high Strength, so you can pick from a wide variety of damage dealing Tactics for him.

4. Guan Yu

Guan Yu has good attributes and the Innate Tactic “Dominant Presence,” which both deals damage and inflicts Control effects. You can give him any Weapon Damage Tactic and he won’t let you down. Another one of Guan Yu’s powerful damage dealing Tactics is “Total Annihilation,” which pairs well with his style.

5. Zhuge Liang

Zhuge Liang has high Intelligence and Defence. His Innate Tactic “Strategic Genius” can prevent enemies from using their Active Tactics and deal Strategy Damage, which means this is a Tactic capable of both inflicting Control effects and dealing damage. Zhuge Liang is one of those Officers that work well with any lineup.

6. Ma Chao

Ma Chao has high Strength and a useful Innate Tactic. However, he heavily relies on his normal attacks to deal damage, making him weak against the Disarm effect. He works best with Combo or Attack Tactics. If you are not using him as your main damage dealer, you could give him a Counter Tactic.

7. Fa Zheng

Fa Zheng is a low-Cost healer who can provide damage reduction, making him a powerful support.

※ Wei Officers

1. Cao Cao

His Tactic “Evil Hero” is a Command Tactic, which is a consistent tool that provides friendly damage boost, hostile damage reduction, and recovery. Cao Cao has good attributes, able to take the role of Commander or Deputy Officer and unlikely to die early in a battle. He is a useful Officer in pretty much any lineup.

2. Cheng Yu

Cheng Yu is one of the few Officers with high Intelligence and the ability to prevent enemies from recovering Forces. His Tactic “Complete Ambush” has a 35% chance to trigger and instantly take effect, dealing damage to enemies and additional damage to enemies with debuffs.

3. Xiahou Dun

Xiahou Dun is the most iconic tank-type Officer. He will take the hit for you and return damage to the enemies. Just give him Tactics such as Focus Defence / Gather Forces / Desperate Reversal and he will work marvelously as a damage dealer in your team.

4. Guo Jia

Guo Jia is the core support for a burst damage lineup because he gives Perception and high damage reduction to the Friendly Commander. He has several good Troop Qualities and high Intelligence, so you can pair him with many Strategy Damage Tactics.

5. Xu Huang

Xu Huang is an Officer who deals incrementally high damage and has decent attributes. You can use him as the main damage dealer in your team.

※ Wu Officers

1. Lu Xun

Lu Xun has excellent attributes, making him the core Officer in a Fire Attack lineup. He is good at PvP if you match him with proper teammates. Keep it and don’t inherit it if you have only one Lu Xun.

2. Sun Quan

Sun Quan has decent attributes. His Tactic “Master of the Southeast” triggers its effect when he or his allies use normal attacks. You can put him alongside Taishi Ci and other similar Officers. Having high Strength and Intelligence, Sun Quan can act as the main damage dealer or powerful support.

3. Taishi Ci

You can equip two Attack Tactics to Taishi Ci and pair him with Gan Ning and Sun Quan. Taishi Ci works best in an early-game lineup or burst damage lineup.

4. Gan Ning

Gan Ning is capable of dealing burst damage, allowing him to act as the main damage dealer for your team. You should keep him and level him up.

5. Cheng Pu

Cheng Pu is a support-type Officer who can inflict Control effects upon taking damage. If you equip Tactics such as Focus Defence / Gather Forces / Desperate Reversal, he can survive longer on the battlefield while constantly taking damage and inflicting Control effects.

6. Zhou Yu

Zhou Yu is a member of Intelligence lineups. He relies on his Innate Tactic “Divine Fire” to deal damage. If you can prevent him from suffering Control effects, he will deal a large amount of damage. Also, he works well with Marshal Biography bonuses.

7. Lu Meng

Lu Meng’s Innate Control Tactic “White Crossing,” enabling him as the main Officer to inflict Control effects in your team. He has high Strength and Intelligence, so you can give him Tactics such as Rain of Fire or Slaughter to deal damage two times and inflict powerful Control effects more often. His Inherit Tactic, “Unrecognizable Change,” allows officer to avoid damage before gaining additional attributes and dealing the fatal blow to enemies, making it a nicely comprehensive Tactic for high-intelligence officers, such as Cheng Yu.

※ Other Officers

1. Hua Tuo

Hua Tuo has the Innate Tactic “Medicine Pouch” that grants more Defence and the First Aid buff to allies for the first four rounds, increasing allies’ survivability. Due to his Mystic buff, it works well for all Troop Types.

2. Yuan Shao

Yuan Shao has excellent attributes and his Innate Tactic “Generations of Fame” has a high triggering chance. This tactic allows him to deals Weapon Damage and inflict Burn status, which deals Strategy Damage, matching his identity as an Officer who has good Strength and Intelligence. When deployed as Commander, his Innate Tactic can also greatly increase his teammates’ Defence.

3. Zuo Ci

Zuo Ci has the Mystic buff and the Command Tactic “Mysterious Arcania,” which recovers Forces to your allies. Zuo Ci is one of the powerful support Officers. And his inherit tactic “Paranoia” is also a good Tactic to use.

4. Zhu Rong

Zhu Rong is a support-type Officer. Her “God of Fire” can apply buffs and recover Forces to allies. Her attributes are mediocre, but she can improve the survivability of a burst damage lineup in later rounds. Her inherit Tactic “Fickle War” works well with, for example, the Sun Quan lineup.

5. Cai Wenji

Cai Wenji is a support-type Officer with a low Cost, so you can use her in the early game progression.

※ Officers that Offer Special Troop Types

1. Gao Shun - Camp Raid

2. Wu Tugu - Rattan Infantry

3. Wang Ping - Unstoppable Elites

4. Gongsun Zan - White Horse Brigade

5. Ma Teng - Xiliang Cavalry

6. Cao Chun - Tiger Cavalry

7. Chen Dao - White Guard

8. Zhang He - Halberdier

II. Recommended 4-Star Officers

1. Li Dian

Li Dian provides a strong early-game Command Tactic at a Cost of only 3. His Innate Tactic can increase all allies’ Strength and Intelligence, improving the overall quality of your early-game lineups.

2. Zhu Jun

Zhu Jun’s Troop Quality with Bow is S and he has above-average attributes. His best trick lies with his Innate Tactic “Yellow Turban Subjugation,” which deal a large amount of damage (neglecting Resistance) to all enemies before they take actions in round 2 and round 3. Zhu Jun is capable of consistently dealing high damage, making him the indisputably most powerful 4-Star Officer in the game.

3. Zhang Ren

You can put Zhang Ren alongside Zhu Jun in your team. He has the powerful Innate Tactic “Falling Wind,” which can deal high damage and inflict useful Control effects. Though the Tactic only has a 35% triggering chance, it only has to trigger one time to turn the tide of a battle.

4. Guo Huai

Known as the “mini version of Cao Cao,” the talented Officer Guo Huai can be recruited via General Recruitment which costs Coins. His support ability is the most noticeable. The Innate Tactic “Barrier” can grant damage reduction to 2 allies for the first 4 rounds.

5. Cao Zhang

Cao Zhang has the highest Strength among 4-Star Officers. He is capable of both inflicting Control effects and pulling off offensive plays. Once “Break Morale” triggers, it prevents 2 enemies from dealing any damage at all for one around. Additionally, Cao Zhang pairs well with Weapon Damage Tactics, making him one of the most impeccable 4-Star Officers.


That’s about it for this guide to some Officers in this game. I hope this article can be of help to you in future battles. Good luck!