Beginner’s Guide - The Tactic System


I. What Is The Tactic System

Tactics are the key factor determining how powerful an Officer can be on the battlefield, similar to what we know as “skills” in other games. An Officer can have completely different effects when equipped with different Tactics.

II. A Detailed Guide to the Tactic System:

Tactic Slot #1: Innate Tactic

Innate Tactics are the default Tactics of your Officers. They are locked in the first Tactic slot and you cannot replace or remove an Innate Tactic. Generally, a 3-Star Officer has a B-tier Innate Tactic, a 4-Star Officer has an A-tier Innate Tactic, and 5-Star Officer has an S-tier Innate Tactic.

Tactic Slot #2: New Tactics Learned By Officers

This Tactic slot is unlocked when your Officer reaches level 5. This requirement is relatively easy to achieve after they capture several low-level tiles.

Tactic Slot #3:

When your Officer is at level 20 and their Innate Tactic is at level 10, you can Awaken your Officer to unlock this slot. Awakening an Officer will cost you 2 other Officers of the same Star level.

4. Inherit Tactics

You can inherit tactics from officers. Generally, 4-star officers’ inherit tactics are same as their innate tactics. But 5-star officers’ inherit tactics are usually different from their innate tactics. Therefore, please read the content on the inherit surface carefully before inheriting it. Note that your Officers will disappear after you Inherit their Tactic, so use this feature with caution.

5. Activate Inherited Tactics

After you Inherit a Tactic from an Officer, you can not directly use it. You must activate a newly Inherited Tactic via Practice. Here are the requirements:

S-tier Tactic: It costs fourteen 4-Star Officers to activate an S-tier Tactic.

A-tier Tactic: It costs seven 4-Star Officers to activate an A-tier Tactic.

B-tier Tactic: It costs seven 3-Star Officers to activate a B-tier Tactic.

6. Upgrade Tactics

After your Officers learn new Tactics, you may upgrade those Tactics to improve the power of your units. Each Tactic starts at level 1 and can go up to level 10. When you don’t have enough Tactic Points, it is recommended that you balance out the Tactic upgrade progress for all your Officers.

The Point Cost to Upgrade Tactics:

Many players have the same question -- how to acquire Tactic Points. There are two primary methods to acquire Tactic Points.7. Acquire Tactic Points

1) Convert Low-Star Officers to Tactic Points

When recruiting Officers (e.g. Spend Coins for General Recruitment), you are most likely to get many low-Star Officers that are too powerless to fight on the battlefield. You can convert these Officers to Tactic Points. Also, there is the auto-conversion feature at the Recruit page for you quickly convert low-Star Officers to Tactic Points.

Appendix: How Conversion Works


You can spend either Gold or Coins for Tactic Point Conversion. It costs 30 Coins to convert an Officer and it costs 5 Gold to convert an Officer. If you are in desperate need of Tactic Points, you can spend Gold for Tactic Point Conversion only on 3-Star or higher Officers because it is more cost-effective that way.※ Hint:

2) Merchant Exchange

You may also acquire Tactic Points from Merchant at the Administration menu. You can spend Coins, resources or Gold to exchange for Tactic Points. Be sure to check what items are available to purchase from Merchants each day.

8. Tips and Tricks to Tactic Point Acquisition

The primary source of Tactic Points is the conversion of low-Star Officers that you get from General Recruitment, so more Coins mean more Tactic Points.

  1. The Housings in your City can increase your Coin Production.
  2. You may go to Administration - Tax - Forced to consume some Gold for more Coins.
  3. Other than upgrading the Housings in your City, capturing a tile with Copper Ore will also add to your Coin Production.
  4. On level 6 resource tiles, you can build Mints which also increase your Coin Production. You can level up Mints up to level 5.

That’s about it for today’s article about the Tactic system. Thank you for your time.